antradienis, spalio 21, 2008

Next event: Irish breakfast!

Dear all,

Next event on Sunday 26 October is an Irish Breakfast at The Dubliner, Dominikonu 6, from 11:30am onwards. Squeaky is booking the table to ensure bacon!

Here is the list of concerts at the Philharmonic. Perhaps if there is a group who would like to go you can get in touch with each other by leaving comments here on the blog. Please use the comments section of this blog entry and don't email as I'm afraid that I have a lot of deadlines at the moment and so can't answer or coordinate by email on this occasion.

Which reminds I am bowing out soon, get thinking if you are free to help run the VH3! AGM soon!

On Ant On Ant On Ant On

3 komentarai:

VilniusHHH rašė...

Anyone wanting to go to the Philharmonic...leave your messages here and get in touch with each other this way!

Anonimiškas rašė...

Sorry, won't make the meeting on 29th... don't get back until 23:00 from London....

Anonimiškas rašė...

What time's the meeting tonight?