pirmadienis, spalio 13, 2008

Next event: Irish breakfast!

Howay hashers,

Hooray to those of you who came for the end of autumn trail at Belmontas. It was superlovely, and the drizzle wasn't too bad at all. The trail was bolstered by caches and cash! Ask what that means at the next event: Irish Breakfast at The Dubliner, Sunday 26 October, Dominikonu 6, 11:30 onwards!

The Hashflash Mary Jam (Pole) took some photos, some of the spectacular HV at the peak of the trail. The photo doesn't do it justice, but if you can get over to the hills before the leaves all leave then do, so pretty! Photos here:

Another note - I'll be moving on soon and next month is stupidly hectic so us at VH3HQ are thinking about having an AGM (despite its name, a rather sporadic affair) so look out for a notice, come along and get involved in the running of the club!

on on on

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