pirmadienis, spalio 30, 2006

HASH 292 October 29th

Well we had a Hash yesterday... hope you all got the email from Needles (there seems to be a problem with Yahoo Mail).

Unfortunately Kiltman was unable to put advance notice onto the Blog as he wasn't in internet range........ but a group of around 10 hashers assembled at Last Virgins summer house for a nice joggette round the forest with the walkers collecting a good few mushrooms on the way :)

The rain put a damper on the circle which came & went quickly....

There's a committee meeting this week... more news after that :)

pirmadienis, spalio 09, 2006

HASH 291 October 15th

The next hash will be a slightly urban one, also suitable for people
with strollers.

Meet: 11.15
Meeting point: Tauro Kalnas
start: 11.30
cost:10 litai for beer, drinks, abuse

How to get there. Tauro Kalnas is the hill behind Lukiskiu Square, with
the large white Profsajungos building on top. You really cannot miss

from the corner of Pamenkalnio/Tauro go up Tauro gatve, turn sharp
immediately after the second bend (about 300 metres or so), follow the
road and park in front of the Profsajungos building, overlooking the
town (your first hash view).

On on will be ....somewhere....

If you get lost (no, really, how could you), phone Loose End at
868627702 - and you might even get an answer!

ketvirtadienis, spalio 05, 2006


This away weekend is unfortunately cancelled :((((( As today was the deadline for bookings and we've only had 4.5 confirmed bookings it doesn't seem worth the effort... sorry folks, better luck next time :) :)