Remember that hash 284 is down at the Park... by the music stands. Some big questions to be answered.... will Elton John be there in disguise to check out his concert venue? Will there be a Sting in the tail? Will any one be christened? Will Cass's trail be like looking for a needle in a haystack? How long do you think it'll take to get served at lunchtime & will the food be decent?? The only way you can find out the answers to these questions and more is by turning up at Vingis Park for an 11:30 start on Sunday with your 10 lts in your hand
1 komentaras:
Ahhh.... one hashers was going to leave a comment on the Singio Parkas hash but couldn't work out how to do it:) Are all Vilnius HHH people technoligically stuck?
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