Those of you who have been checking our blog (here!) will know that some ideas have been developing. These include having a regular social every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. The idea is, anyone who wants to go for a run meets at Plieno Paukštis, Kalinausko 11B, at 19:00, we can leave kit at the bar, and those not running meet at the bar at 20:30 and the runners will join them (although they may be a bit sweaty!)
We are planning to start this all on 13 September, so tell your friends! Also to coincide with this we will have our AGM. This is the yearly chance to have your say who will work together to organise the HHH. This is your chance to get involved, so here are the positions - and let us know by email if you would like to put yourself forward for any of the positions and then we'll have an election at the AGM.
-Hash Master / Mistress (general head of things)
-2 Vice Hash Masters (1 Lithuanian, 1 ex-pat, work with HM and take over when HM isn't around)
-Website and communications (speaks for itself)
-Hash Cash (takes care of the money and numbers of runs by each Hasher
-Social Secretaries (4 people, plan fun and games for the group)
-Honorary Secretary (keeps things in check)
-R.A. (leads the ritual humiliation in the circle)
It'll be super to see as many of you as possible for the AGM, and spread the word!
Bye bye
2 komentarai:
Have you seen where you get to when you hit 'next blog' at the top of the page? You get to Angie's personal page. Angie, a slip of a girl of merely 271 pounds (she should join the hash), seems to have a lot of traumas in her life involving doctors. You could spend your life skipping to 'the next blog'
Have you seen where you get to when you hit 'next blog' at the top of the page? You get to Angie's personal page. Angie, a slip of a girl of merely 271 pounds (she should join the hash), seems to have a lot of traumas in her life involving doctors. You could spend your life skipping to 'the next blog'
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