13 Happy Hashers turned out at Tapeliu on a Wednesday evening blessed with warm sunshine after a couple of days of heavy rain. Out they went following the flouery blobs left earlier in the day by hare Kiltman. Much to the hares surprise the Marines weren't fooled too often by the false trails (they must be learning, clever people these Yanks :) ) . The same can't be said of the happy, hardy walker's who mistook a blob for an arrow head & proceeded to get lost.... so anyway... all was soon well & the emseble moved down the road to Last Virgin's summer house for our barbie.... and finally the re-christening of Hand Job to Needles... although at one point it looked like it could be poker:)
A good time was had by all and a great big ACIU to Last Virgin for hosting the BBQ
A good time was had by all and a great big ACIU to Last Virgin for hosting the BBQ
2 komentarai:
What an evening! Beautiful terrain, gorgeous views across the lake, swift runners finishing smoothly, walkers getting lost in a dell leaving the runners time for a paddle and play on the rope swing, feast of a barbeque, a renaming, and drama a plenty. Were you there? If not, why not?
I'd like to reiterate thanks to our host (last because she is lost?) for use of her wonderful summerhouse, and to everyone who cooked/tidied up after.
A lovely night, although the full moon was hanging out with her star friends behind a cloud, so didn’t join us.
Wonderful full moon hash. Thanks to Kiltman even though he got us lost. He did come to find us though and took a shortcut back to base. Many many thanks to Last Virgin for the loan of her summerhouse and barbecue.
Needles seemed to enjoy her name change but then almost set herself on fire which almost prompted the next name change.
Thanks to everyone who turned up for making it a good evening.
Lets all turn up for Beate on the next hash.
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