Don't forget:
-Hash 287 Kalnų Parkas 3 September
-Coming elections - put yourself forward for the committee
-Hares - put your name down to set a trail
ketvirtadienis, rugpjūčio 31, 2006
pirmadienis, rugpjūčio 28, 2006
Word verification
Just to let you know that I have switched on the word verification button so when you leave a comment you will have to type the psychadelic woobley words that appear to allow you to post. This is because a naughty robot has found our blog and left a comment, and it will only increase if these settings aren't put in. If you have difficulty with your sight, or problems posting comments, just drop us an email.
lots of HHH e-love,
lots of HHH e-love,
trečiadienis, rugpjūčio 23, 2006
Calling all HHH

Those of you who have been checking our blog (here!) will know that some ideas have been developing. These include having a regular social every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month. The idea is, anyone who wants to go for a run meets at Plieno Paukštis, Kalinausko 11B, at 19:00, we can leave kit at the bar, and those not running meet at the bar at 20:30 and the runners will join them (although they may be a bit sweaty!)
We are planning to start this all on 13 September, so tell your friends! Also to coincide with this we will have our AGM. This is the yearly chance to have your say who will work together to organise the HHH. This is your chance to get involved, so here are the positions - and let us know by email if you would like to put yourself forward for any of the positions and then we'll have an election at the AGM.
-Hash Master / Mistress (general head of things)
-2 Vice Hash Masters (1 Lithuanian, 1 ex-pat, work with HM and take over when HM isn't around)
-Website and communications (speaks for itself)
-Hash Cash (takes care of the money and numbers of runs by each Hasher
-Social Secretaries (4 people, plan fun and games for the group)
-Honorary Secretary (keeps things in check)
-R.A. (leads the ritual humiliation in the circle)
It'll be super to see as many of you as possible for the AGM, and spread the word!
Bye bye
pirmadienis, rugpjūčio 21, 2006

Our next Hash is a special one... because of the Lithuania - Scotland football match & the invasion of the Tartan Army then you need to declare your allegience... wear something Scottish or something Lithuanian :)
Hash takes place at Kalnu Parkas... parking up by big open area before the sports stadium. Be there for 11:15 to start the hash at 11:30. JK & SV are going to be the hares...
Map attached with some bus routes on it... google earth map to follow when I get round to switching my laptop on :)
Hash takes place at Kalnu Parkas... parking up by big open area before the sports stadium. Be there for 11:15 to start the hash at 11:30. JK & SV are going to be the hares...
Map attached with some bus routes on it... google earth map to follow when I get round to switching my laptop on :)
sekmadienis, rugpjūčio 20, 2006
A SUNNY HASH 286 August 20th 2006

Vilnius HHH 286 with Loose End as the hare... 10 hardy hashers turned up on a sunny Sunday at the bridge over the river into Vingio Parkas. Mostly walkers with only Kiltman as a runner... or so we thought as JK set off at a trot... the FRB :) but he couldn't handle it and after 150m he started to walk leaving Kiltman at the front of the trail to tell the story on his own.
Before the On, on the hare explained all the markings would be on the left side of the road... so first road crossing where did Kiltman see the marking... right side of the road.... arrrghhhh :) One false trail through a children's play ground... then on.on to the river... along the river bank on the pathway... up passed the US Ambassabor's house (needed the toilet there but thought better of it:))... along passed the starting point and onto some rougher paths along the river... a few false trails for the runner here & there... one almost to the top of the Karolina Hill... but hey... Kiltman might be old & fat but a hill is still nothing to him:)... back through the woods and joined the trail again to see the walkers heading along the river... then On Inn. A good 47 minutes hard run for Kiltman:) Most enjoyable!!
No christenings in the circle today... mostly down. downs for not wearing Hash kit and so on... Lunch then taken in the Flamingo... a Russian kitchen & very good too... a few decisions made about meeting places (news to follow)...
So thanks to Loose End for another enjoyable Hash Day out :)
Before the On, on the hare explained all the markings would be on the left side of the road... so first road crossing where did Kiltman see the marking... right side of the road.... arrrghhhh :) One false trail through a children's play ground... then on.on to the river... along the river bank on the pathway... up passed the US Ambassabor's house (needed the toilet there but thought better of it:))... along passed the starting point and onto some rougher paths along the river... a few false trails for the runner here & there... one almost to the top of the Karolina Hill... but hey... Kiltman might be old & fat but a hill is still nothing to him:)... back through the woods and joined the trail again to see the walkers heading along the river... then On Inn. A good 47 minutes hard run for Kiltman:) Most enjoyable!!
No christenings in the circle today... mostly down. downs for not wearing Hash kit and so on... Lunch then taken in the Flamingo... a Russian kitchen & very good too... a few decisions made about meeting places (news to follow)...
So thanks to Loose End for another enjoyable Hash Day out :)
penktadienis, rugpjūčio 18, 2006
We recieved an invite to the opening night of the Propaganda Pub on Gedimino 45. Sounds like it might be a sociable affair. If anyone wants to go we can contact & get say... 10 invites? Thoughts??
Dear All:
I would like to invite you to the grand opening of ‘Propaganda Pub’ located on
Gedimino pr. 45. The big event will take place on Saturday, September 2nd at 8 p.m.
This event is by invitation only, so please contact me for your personal
Edyta at or tel. +370 620 670 17.
“A new club Propaganda PUB, recently opened its doors at Gedimino pr. 45 in
Vilnius, near the Parliament. The new club is distinguished not only by its cozy
atmosphere and original interior, but also by its working hours – it will be
open every night from 6pm to 6am. Propaganda PUB provides guests three different environments: the longest bar in town, its length is 24 meters, a large dance floor and a “G-Lounge” sitting area. We hope everyone will find their own spot here, a place making you feel welcome every night, a place you want to come back again and again. The spacious premises of the club allows for private parties; the club has facilities for exclusive entertainment, one of them being for dancing on the dance floor, bar or stage”.
I would like to invite you to the grand opening of ‘Propaganda Pub’ located on
Gedimino pr. 45. The big event will take place on Saturday, September 2nd at 8 p.m.
This event is by invitation only, so please contact me for your personal
Edyta at or tel. +370 620 670 17.
“A new club Propaganda PUB, recently opened its doors at Gedimino pr. 45 in
Vilnius, near the Parliament. The new club is distinguished not only by its cozy
atmosphere and original interior, but also by its working hours – it will be
open every night from 6pm to 6am. Propaganda PUB provides guests three different environments: the longest bar in town, its length is 24 meters, a large dance floor and a “G-Lounge” sitting area. We hope everyone will find their own spot here, a place making you feel welcome every night, a place you want to come back again and again. The spacious premises of the club allows for private parties; the club has facilities for exclusive entertainment, one of them being for dancing on the dance floor, bar or stage”.
trečiadienis, rugpjūčio 16, 2006

Vilnius HHH needs you !!!! Autumn & winter are coming - you've had your summer holidays so now it's time to give something back to the great Vilnius HHH. Volunteer as a hare - everyone should take their turn, that's how it works!!! Book your date now (you can leave a note in comments below).
Might need some hares sooner than we thought as Kiltman has just discovered he may be out of the country on September 3rd. Any volunteers???? (JK & SV have offered to set the trail for Sept 3rd, details early next week)
Boggers has a list of those who have volunteered but I'm not sure it goes much beyond the September 3rd hash with Kiltman as hare. It would be good to get a provisional list upto Christmas!!
Might need some hares sooner than we thought as Kiltman has just discovered he may be out of the country on September 3rd. Any volunteers???? (JK & SV have offered to set the trail for Sept 3rd, details early next week)
Boggers has a list of those who have volunteered but I'm not sure it goes much beyond the September 3rd hash with Kiltman as hare. It would be good to get a provisional list upto Christmas!!
antradienis, rugpjūčio 15, 2006

A few minutes playing with google earth and we have a spaceside view of the start location of Hash 286.... so now you have no excuse for not coming :) If you can't read Loose End's instructions or read the little map from then you just need to hire a helicoptor or one of those hot air ballon things & you'll find it easily.....
Hey.. there's a thought... those dedicated hashers YK & SV are apparently going up in a ballon... I thought it was for YK's birthday... but now we know it's so they can really see where the hash starts from... ON, ON...
Hey.. there's a thought... those dedicated hashers YK & SV are apparently going up in a ballon... I thought it was for YK's birthday... but now we know it's so they can really see where the hash starts from... ON, ON...
penktadienis, rugpjūčio 11, 2006

Just thinking ahead to the long cold nights of winter ...... with hashes being only every 2 weeks why don't we establish a regular hash meeting evening..... when we can meet old hashers and invite new hashers to join in... my suggestion would be the Tuesday or Wednesday evening at a venue to be decided.
If we did have a regular meeting point then we would maybe be able to include this in the editorial in Vilnius In Your Pocket Guide & maybe it would be a starting point for new members.
I'm also thinking of the idea of a 'car pool' for winter hashes. We would all meet at a designated point and share cars to the start hash point. This would let those without cars get to the hashes easily & also save a bit of hanging about at the hash while we wait for everyone to turn up... guess if we did this we'd need to meet at 11:00 or maybe 11:15 and start the hash at 12:00. Anyway, please add your thoughts on both subjects as comments below.....
If we did have a regular meeting point then we would maybe be able to include this in the editorial in Vilnius In Your Pocket Guide & maybe it would be a starting point for new members.
I'm also thinking of the idea of a 'car pool' for winter hashes. We would all meet at a designated point and share cars to the start hash point. This would let those without cars get to the hashes easily & also save a bit of hanging about at the hash while we wait for everyone to turn up... guess if we did this we'd need to meet at 11:00 or maybe 11:15 and start the hash at 12:00. Anyway, please add your thoughts on both subjects as comments below.....
ketvirtadienis, rugpjūčio 10, 2006

Breaking news from our hare for hash 286.....
Meet at 11:15 for an 11:30 start. Cost 10 lts per adult cover cost of beer/water/soft drinks. On, on for lunch to be decided......
The hash will meet in Birutes gatve, Zverynas, by the bridge into Vingiu Parkas (see map below). By car go along Kestucio gatve in the centre of Zverynas and turn left (if you are coming from the old town), or right (if you are coming from Karoliniskes, Fabijoniskes and other places) into Pusu or Traideniu or Treniotos gatve, at the end of which you'll see the bridge. If you don't know where you are coming from, go in the general direction of the TV tower which you should see sticking up behind the houses.
By bus use trolley buses 1,3,7 and get out at the Kestucio or Latvio stops.
on on
Loose End
trečiadienis, rugpjūčio 09, 2006

13 Happy Hashers turned out at Tapeliu on a Wednesday evening blessed with warm sunshine after a couple of days of heavy rain. Out they went following the flouery blobs left earlier in the day by hare Kiltman. Much to the hares surprise the Marines weren't fooled too often by the false trails (they must be learning, clever people these Yanks :) ) . The same can't be said of the happy, hardy walker's who mistook a blob for an arrow head & proceeded to get lost.... so anyway... all was soon well & the emseble moved down the road to Last Virgin's summer house for our barbie.... and finally the re-christening of Hand Job to Needles... although at one point it looked like it could be poker:)
A good time was had by all and a great big ACIU to Last Virgin for hosting the BBQ
A good time was had by all and a great big ACIU to Last Virgin for hosting the BBQ
antradienis, rugpjūčio 08, 2006
Will it or will it not be a BBQ... well we'll decide at the Hash... see what the weather's like and how many people turn up... so we'll know tomorrow if it's soggy sausage time or not :)
OK... latest update is that it's going to be soggy sausage time tomorrow night after the Full Moon Hash... no need to bring anything except yourself... the Hash will provide the goodies :)
OK... latest update is that it's going to be soggy sausage time tomorrow night after the Full Moon Hash... no need to bring anything except yourself... the Hash will provide the goodies :)
pirmadienis, rugpjūčio 07, 2006

We know the hares & locations of the next two hash's.... August 20th is 'Birutes g. Zverynas bridge which we used on New Years' Day' with Loose End as the hare.... then it's onto September 3rd and the start of the invasion of the Tartan Army so the Hash will have a Scottish theme (and if you can't work out where it is from the photo then you'll need to keep checking back here for details of both hash's)
sekmadienis, rugpjūčio 06, 2006
šeštadienis, rugpjūčio 05, 2006

Remember that hash 284 is down at the Park... by the music stands. Some big questions to be answered.... will Elton John be there in disguise to check out his concert venue? Will there be a Sting in the tail? Will any one be christened? Will Cass's trail be like looking for a needle in a haystack? How long do you think it'll take to get served at lunchtime & will the food be decent?? The only way you can find out the answers to these questions and more is by turning up at Vingis Park for an 11:30 start on Sunday with your 10 lts in your hand
Pranešimai (Atom)