pirmadienis, liepos 20, 2009
Just a short reminder that the July version of our IRISH BREAKFAST will take place on SUNDAY 26th at......... yes, you've guessed:). THE DUBLINER at 12:00
On, On.........
penktadienis, liepos 10, 2009

Hi All, Kiltman discovered a great summer music venue last night... Aula Blues Club...
Lets arrange a VH3 outing there next Thursday July 16th. Entrance ticket is 10 litas. The venue is a big courtyard on Pilies Street, opposite Fortas....
Send an email if you are interested in going so I can reserve tables :) Or leave a comment here :)
On, on....
šeštadienis, liepos 04, 2009
trečiadienis, liepos 01, 2009

Dear Hashers,
This Sunday's hash will be near Liliana's summerhouse in Karaciunai (see the attached map), so that if it rains we would be able to hide under the roof.
How to get there:
Go straight Antakalnis street to Nemencines road past Plento Baras and continue further about 4 km until the road gets narrower (narrows to two lanes instead of four before a small, almost invisible river bridge), then after some another 900 metres turn right to Karaciunu street. Then go about 250 metres and turn right again before the gray fence (you will see several garbage bins on the right), go along the fence another 50 metres and park there in front of the wood.
Be there by 11:15. The start will be at 11:30. Cost is 10 lt for beers and drinks.
You may get there by bus 17 or 39. Hopefully our traditional car pool will be operating, so then if lifts are needed you could agree and meet at the bottom of Pilies before 11:00 (if you come there at 11:02 – you will not find anybody waiting there).
If lost, call Liliana (Last Virgin) at 861606577.
Lunch will be decided later on. Perhaps it will be at Caucasian Bar not far from the Karaciunai bus stop on Nemencines plentas.
On on