pirmadienis, sausio 29, 2007
Notes for your diaries
In the absence of our dear Kiltman (wasn't it great that the BCC arranged such an elaborate send off at the Reval last Saturday!) I (Needles) will be at the helm for the blog.
Here are some notes for your diaries:
The next Wednesday social on 31 January has been cancelled as our fearless leaders are away. Folks are still welcome to get together at Amantininkiu anyway, but at your peril...
There will not be a trail on Sunday 4th February, it will be one week later on Sunday 11th February instead (starting at 11:15, car share at 11:00 at the bottom of Pilies). This is because our naughty hare Flower Power is unnable to do the 4th.
The Pub Quiz is on Monday 5th Feb at The Pub, Dominikonou 9, starting at 19:30. The H3 always have a team so come along!
And finally...Squeaky has booked 2 lanes for bowling on Wednesday 21st February from 20:00–22:00. Please let us know if you want to come in advance. Apparently young Torin was the star last time with a little help from Mary Jam.
And so concludes the H3 update. - Needles (with her love of brackets, it's like hugging words)
You'll find a few photos from the Burn's Night on flikr.
trečiadienis, sausio 24, 2007
On the 18th February there is a pancake festival at Rumsiskes. The fun starts at 12.00 with games etc. We are proposing to get people with cars to offer their services. I need to know how many people would like to go and I would like you to tell me by the 10th February so that we can arrange the transport.
Due to the success of the bowling at Akropolis on Saturday we are going to arrange another bowling event.
This time we will be holding the event on a weekday and for two hours instead of one hour. Wednesday 21st February from 20.00 to 22.00. Please let me know who would like to go so that I know how many lanes to book. Again I need to know by the 10th February as Jauciu and I will be in Kiev for a few days after that.
Enjoy the snow!!
pirmadienis, sausio 22, 2007
Dr. Dirty 2
Loose End 3
Boggers 11
J K and S V 2
Yap Yap 1
Dr. Dolittle 2
Kiltman 6
Flower Power 1
G O T and Leap Year 2
Roadrunner 2
Laslo 2
Santa 1
Last Virgin 2
Needles 1
Silvertongue 1
Lawyer 1
Vidal 1
Kelly 1
Rolandas 1
sekmadienis, sausio 21, 2007
It has been scientifically proven that if we drink 1 liter of water each day, at the end of the year we would have absorbed more than 1 kilo of Escherichia coli bacteria, which is found in feces.
In other words, we are consuming 1 kilo of poop! However, we do not run that risk when drinking wine (or rum, whiskey, Vodka, beer or other liquors) because alcohol has to go through a distillation process of boiling, filtering and fermenting.
It is because of this process, that the bacteria is killed. Therefore, it is better to drink wine and talk shit, than it is to drink water and be full of shit.
There is no need to thank me for providing you this valuable information, I am doing it as a public service.

Quizz question.... do all hashers make funny faces????
šeštadienis, sausio 20, 2007
Bowling at Akropolis

penktadienis, sausio 19, 2007
A Taste of Lithuania
Have a read of this article by a young Australia World Champion orienteer - Hanny Alston. She spent some time in Druskininkai in July 2006 at the World Junior Orienteering Championships... The articles reads true :-
ketvirtadienis, sausio 18, 2007
HASH 300 January 21st

The Hash will start as close to 11:30 as we can....
Cost is 10 litas to cover beer, soft drinks, water etc etc. Juniors are free... yippee :) :)
Remember our car pool from the bottom of Pilies - cars leave at 11:00 so be there by 10:55 at the latest. (There will be one less car this week as Kiltman is the hare).
Anyone lost then contact Kiltman on +370 653 10009
ON, ON...
PS - suggestion for lunch afterwards is Plento Baras??????
pirmadienis, sausio 15, 2007
But less of the history & modern day Scotland produces one of the highlights of the World's social calander... Burn's Night... a celebration of the life & works of Scotland Greatest Dead Poet - Rabbie Burns (rumour has it he has a long lost cousin in Israel - Rabi Burns:)).
Anyway... to get to the point of this little post... Vilnius HHH has fully sold it's allocation of seats at the Vilnius Burn's Night on Jan 27th.... in short.... we sold our seats for Lithuanian Litas :) :)
Those of you planning on going to the Burn's Night on Jan 27th please turn up with a fistful of.... Litas to give to Barbara :)
And in case you didn't know where we meet... then look at the picture at the top of the post... it'll give you a clue. (Amatininku is a smoke free enviroment since Jan 1st.... sadly it's also a Kristina free enviroment as well.. Kiltman cries into his beer:( :( )
ketvirtadienis, sausio 11, 2007
Nice to know approx numbers in advance to please mail Kiltman at gordonross@zebra.lt
antradienis, sausio 09, 2007

Anyway we hope lots of Hasher's turn out for this event!!! Will it be snow free?? Who knows with this winter's weather!
Full directions will appear here next week but the PROVISIONAL LOCATION is marked on the map above. (Please check this before travelling)....
On, on.......
sekmadienis, sausio 07, 2007
BURN'S NIGHT 2007 (JAN 27th)
Trečiadienis, Gruodžio 13, 2006
You'll find details of the 2007 Burn's Night (info also on links on the side bar). We need names & number's very, very, very soon - closely followed by money! We don't know the exact cost of a ticket yet... last year it was 120 lts - highest estimate for 2007 is 180 lts - but guess it'll be in the middle!!!Anyway there is the possibility of some sponsorship from a Scottish company that means the cost to Lithuanian members of the Hash would be a maximum of 100 lts (will be confirmed soon). Only applies to Lithuanians as it's developing Scotland / Lithuania links :)
JK the RA is in for trouble next time though... somehow he managed to get all hashers in the circle at once:)
Other news was the Burn's Night... we need names soon (look in the Blog archives for December for details) & the Thursday 18th we'll arrange a bowls night... details to follow :)
ketvirtadienis, sausio 04, 2007

Next hash will be on 7 January, in Lazdynai, Gudeliu str., it's next to the Neste gas station. Meet at 11:15, 10Lt per person to cover drinks. Trail set by the fabulous Girls on top. Hope to see lots of you there!
pirmadienis, sausio 01, 2007
Anyway Loose End had set a trail earlier on New's Day & waited expectantly for members of the Hash to show up... did they??? Nope... only Kiltman.... so Hash abandoned due to the weather!!
But a great big Hash thanks to Loose End for putting the trail out... it's very frustrating to put the work in for no reward with no one showing up!!! Lets hope for a better response for our next Hash on January 7th with Girls on Top as the Hare.... Then we're back to our regular Wednesday socials starting on January 17th and (of course) BURN'S NIGHT on January 27th!!!!